Buenos Aires>airport>El Calafate>glacier>Chile>Torres Del Paine>4 day hike>Punta Arenes>penguins!>Punta Montt>a billion lakes>Bariloche>rafting>sam>home. the adventure begins.
I think I might be getting older. When the FFVii remake got announced
yesterday I went through a bunch of emotions. Nostalgia, happiness, joy,
surprise. An...
Washing dishes with my granddad
*In honor of me turning 32 today I decided to reminisce a bit. *
Growing up I was told that I talked too much and that I ...
A friend of mine, Quentin Young, who I used to work with back at the
Longmont Times-Call, contacted me a few months ago to shoot some video of
his band, Br...
This is a music video I just discovered produced by the same guys that make
the Isen7 videos. Check it out, has some of the coolest time lapses I've
ever s...