
Livin' La Vida Boca

With Laura here, we've been exploring the city as real tourists. Our most recent adventure, measuring in at 95 degrees, was to La Boca. This is a few streets of brightly colored houses and a ton people trying to sell us touristy crap-- the houses have been painted with the left-overs from painting the boat docks. Pretty cool. Wish everywhere looked liked this.


New Ad!

My new ad is out in Freeskier and Snowboarer Mag! Taylor was nice enough to video chat it to me...

and here it is in real life:


A bike car: minutes of fun!

Mi Casa

Pictures from me & sam's apt. in the city. It's big, bright, and all ours for another 2 months (yes! That is a bidet...and I'm a master of the art now..)

Laura is here!

Hey everyone! If you don't already know, I've been very bad about updating my blog as of late. My sincere apologies, but to be honest, I've been trying to spend less time on my computer and more time aimlessly walking around the city. This has been easier the past few days because Laura is here and believe it or not, she doesn't want to sit inside all day watching me on my computer! So in lieu of tons of stories and thoughts and typing, here are some photos!


On Friendship:

The ship that couldn't sink. Because it was a rollercoaster, and not a ship at all.


Blog comments!

Now you can comment on my blog! And I would love it if you did....

xo kait


Here comes...

the bride.

My brother is getting married today, but I wasn't invited. At least some adorable grandparents were there:

The happy couple (I especially like the black dress):

As bummed as I was about missing such an important day in my brother's life, I'm excited that he's taken the plunge. Though it was a quick decision, it seems like it was the right one for them. I wish them a long and lovely time.


Iguazu Falls.

Totally jam:



Most definitely my finest year yet. A recap…

My year started in Shanghai Tunnel, the only downtown Portland bar that was without a New Years Eve cover charge. I kissed my best friend and wore hilarious glasses. A great way to begin.

I babysat 50 college students in Utah, and after 3 months of planning I was rewarded with the best powder and best memories imaginable.

I said goodbye to my amazing Grandfather and was able to hear firsthand the impact he had made upon hundreds of admiring people.

I did the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas drive through the American Southwest without encountering any bats.

I showed Vegas what was up. I also sang Kereoke "It's the End of the World as we Know it"in front of 400 people.

I had roommates I could have lived with forever.

I saw my brother graduate from Marine boot camp. And I finally got some respect.

I hiked in Moab.

I graduated from college.

I was able to see my sister in her natural habitat—the over crowded and ever “famous” city of Taiwan.

I learned a new kind of art.

I rode a bike down a volcano through Balinese rice paddies with my step mom.

I drove 24 hours straight with a cat, and only got pooped on once.

I was allowed to go to the Oregon County Fair for the first time. I got high with fairies.

I spent the summer finally getting to know my mom.

I doubled my money at a Blackjack table with my Dad.

I boarded a plane with no plan of coming home.

I explored the Australian coast with my best friend.

I moved to Fiji.

I celebrated Diwali.

I did what I loved, and got paid for it.

I conquered my fear of the Ocean by learning, and mastering, the art of SCUBA.

I moved to Argentina on a whim.

My year ended in Kentucky, the only restaurant in Buenos Aires that was open on New Years Eve. I kissed my boyfriend and wore a hilarious t-shirt. A great way to finish.