This Christmas was just awesome.

Before the sun came up, Carey was slaving away making the most delicious and most consistent Christmas tradition, a huge cinnamon roll. Thankkkksss!

Rare pic of me, Justin, and Trish- I can't even remember the last time we were all together.

Because Trish is so obsessed with China, we always have a Chinese themed mini tree for her to enjoy. Apparently they like glitter and owls.

Mums came down from Salem, and as one of my favorite Grandmas it was always a pleasure!

For some reason this christmas I appeared extra domestic.

Mums also brought her boyfriend Lefty.

Denny and Carey read my blog!
Anyway, it was just a really happy day.
And the next day, we continued having fun! Bowling! I think I lost, but who was really keeping track?